With shooting wrapped up for Jayam Ravi’s 'Peranmai' yesterday, post production work is all set to begin. The film features five heroines, all new comers, all of who play NCC students who reportedly help Jayam Ravi chase terrorists out of the country.
The film is an ambitious project by director Jananathan, who always tries something novel in his flicks. If 'Iyarkai' dealt with the lives of fisher folk, 'Ee' took on the huge issue of Biowar. And now, 'Peranmai', is said to have Jayam Ravi play a role no other Tamil actor has played before. While it is known that he is a tribal leader and a forest guard, the exact nature of his character has not been revealed. After a year of shooting, the film is all set for post production work now.
The director pins his hopes on Tanishka, who plays one of the heroines in the film. In fact, the director says all heroines will be in all songs with the actor. But he says Tanishka will be noticed for her stunts, which remind him of Angelina Jolie. “I affectionately called her that after seeing her performance in the movie,” he says, adding that he picked her from a crowd when he spotted her at an exhibition.
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